JF Murray

Safety Roles


Adequate (with regards to training of employees)

  • Training shall be “sufficient” – there has to be enough of it to ensure that the employee can perform the duties expected without undue risk of injury.
  • It has to be “satisfactory” – of sufficiently high quality making use of effective communication techniques, to leave no room for misunderstanding.
  • It has to be “proportionate”, to the degree of hazard involved.
  • It has to be specific to the work, equipment or tool that is to be undertaken or operated.
  • Training and retraining should be provided within a time frame that is appropriate for the work at hand. This is critical when the task at hand is performed infrequently.

ANSI: American National Standards Institute

Authorized Person: Person approved or assigned to perform a specific type of duty or duties at a specific location or locations at a work site.

CGSB: Canadian General Standards Board

CSA: Canadian Standards Association

Code of Practice: A set of rules and standards concerning a given subject. For example, a Code of Practice for confined space entry will identify the requirements for safely entering confined spaces in general. A site specific procedure for entry of a specific confined space is then developed from the Code of Practice.

Competent Person: In relation to an employee, means adequately qualified, suitably trained and with sufficient experience to safely perform work with only a minimal degree of supervision.

Imminent Danger

  • a danger which is not normal for that occupation, or
  • a danger under which a person engaged in that occupation would not normally work.

MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheet. A data sheet that contains detailed information related to the possible health and safety hazards of a controlled product. The MSDS should be available from the manufacturer of any chemical or mixture of chemicals used in industry.

Practicable: That which is reasonably capable of being put into practice or of being done or accomplished.

Professional Engineer: A Registered Professional Engineer.

Qualified Person: A competent person, who by reason of knowledge, experience and training is familiar with a procedure, process or machine and the related hazards and hazard controls.

Shall: Denotes a mandatory requirement.

Should: A recommendation that is a sound safety and health practice; it does not denote a mandatory requirement.

Contractor: A person, firm, or corporation entering into a contractual agreement with Murray Farms to perform work, or a specific task.

Sub-contractor: A person, firm or corporation who has entered into a contractual agreement with the contractor who has a contractual agreement with Murray Farms to perform work or a specific task or to supply material or products of a special design according to the Contract Document, but does not include one who merely supplies materials.

Supervisor: A person, who instructs, directs and controls employees in the performance of their duties.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG)

Federal legislation which is intended to protect the public from hazardous products during shipping. The legislation is administered by the provincial and territorial governments.

UL: Underwriters Laboratories.

WHMIS: The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System. Federal legislation that is administered by the provincial and territorial governments and is intended to protect employees from hazardous products during use and storage.

Senior Management: Murray Farms’ President.


Murray Farms Safety Philosophy

Murray Farms’ philosophy regarding safety is best expressed by our Safety Policy. This policy is applicable to each person who works for us and our Contractors and Sub-contractors.

The management and employees of Murray Farms believe that while hazards and the resultant risks exist:

  • Accidents and injuries are preventable.
  • Each of us has a personal responsibility for our safety and the safety of others both on and off the job.
  • No business objective is so important as to be pursued by sacrificing safety.
  • Safe conduct of operations is a condition of employment.
  • A job is well done only if it is done safely.

The Murray Farms Health & Safety Program shall be regarded as the minimum standard for all work performed. Our program is meant to supplement, not supersede the standards set by Legislative Authorities, Regulatory Agencies and our Customers.

The purpose of the program is to:

  • Provide a safe working environment for all employees.
  • Provide uniformity in health and safety practices, standards and enforcement for all Murray Farms
  • Minimize damage to equipment and property.
  • Maximize safe production.
  • Increase employee morale.

Our Health & Safety Program will be reviewed at least annually to adjust for changing work, and work conditions.

Introduction for our Employees

Almost all incidents that occur on our jobs can be prevented by a sound Health and Safety program of safety engineering. A successful program requires the participation of each employee. In turn, each employee will benefit as an individual by lessening the possibility that they may experience the loss of income and suffering that go hand in hand with accidents.

It is the duty of each employee to execute their individual work assignment in accordance with recognized safe procedures. If there is any doubt regarding proper methods of executing your work, you should consult with your supervisor for specific safety instructions.

Any employee, regardless of position, whose actions are considered unsafe or cause others to be placed in unsafe conditions will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including removal from the jobsite.

Introduction for our Subcontractors

Subcontractors shall be fully responsible for compliance with:

  1. Relevant local laws and regulations.
  2. Local and national standards or codes of practice whichever are the more stringent unless specified otherwise.
  3. The Murray Farms Health & Safety Program.

The Subcontractor shall be fully responsible for supervision of its personnel to ensure that they strictly adhere to all applicable safety requirements.

The Subcontractor’s line manager in charge on site shall be responsible for coordinating the Subcontractor’s safety activities. He/She and the Murray Farms representative shall be the focal points for all safety matters.


Provide a Statement of Policy relating to the Health & Safety Program. The statement provides a commitment that sets levels of expectations for safety performance throughout the corporation.

  • Maintain overall control of the Health & Safety Program’s direction.
  • Provide information, direction, and assistance to all supervisory staff and/or sub-contractors in order to protect the health and safety of all employees and the environment.
  • Confirm that the Health & Safety Program is administered and enforced in all areas.
  • Provide ongoing safety education programs to meet or exceed legislated requirements and the requirements of our clients.
  • Ensure that all staff are aware of and are effectively following the practices and procedures set out in the Health & Safety Program and in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
  • Provide information and educational training to all employees with respect to current legislation pertaining to the environment.
  • Lead by example, adhering to the Murray Farms Health & Safety Program and good industry practices.


Supervisors are responsible for ensuring implementation of the Murray Farms Health & Safety Program and all relevant Occupational Health and Safety legislation within their respective work areas.

  • Make certain that all employees are trained and encouraged to work in a safe manner.
  • Lead by example, adhering to the Murray Farms Health and Safety Program and good industry practices.
  • Ensure that all employees to a new work site are oriented to site specific hazards and procedures before commencing work on the site.
  • Advise all employees and sub-contractors of any potential or actual hazards and how to eliminate or control them.
  • Carry out and document regular inspections to ensure a safe and healthy work site.
  • Document and report all accidents, incidents or spills immediately.
  • Investigate all accidents and incidents, and to advise management on how to prevent similar occurrences in the future.
  • Conduct, participate or ensure that Hazard Assessments and Pre-Job Safety Instructions are completed as required.


  • Know, understand, and comply with the Murray Farms Health & Safety Program, safe work practices, procedures, rules, and relevant Occupational Health and Safety Legislation.
  • Correctly wear the safety equipment, personal protective devices, and clothing required by their employer.
  • Take every reasonable precaution to protect the safety of themselves and other employees and the environment.
  • Notify their supervisor of any unsafe conditions and practices that may be of danger to them and other employees and the environment.
  • Report all accidents, incidents, spills and injuries to their supervisor as soon as possible.
  • Report to work “fit for duty”, and remain fit for duty during their shift, and be free from any conditions that will adversely affect performance.
  • Report to their supervisor any conditions that may limit their fitness for duty including the use of any “over the counter” or prescription medication that may affect their ability to work safely.
  • Lead by example, adhering to the Murray Farms Health & Safety Program and good industry practices.


  • Know, understand and comply with the Murray Farms Health & Safety Program as it pertains to the work site, and ensure that their employees abide by the safe work practices, procedures, and rules.
  • Ensure that all their employees wear the appropriate safety equipment, personal protective devices, and clothing as required by Murray Farms or specific to the project.
  • Notify the Murray Farms Supervisor of all accidents, incidents, spills and injuries as soon as possible. Supply copies of all accident or incident reports relating to work performed for Murray Farms
  • Notify the Murray Farms Supervisor of any unsafe conditions and practices that may be of danger to their employees, other employees or the environment.
  • Ensure that safe work practices and job procedures are in place for the work being contracted and in accordance with legislated requirements.
  • Assist the Murray Farms Supervisor in hazard assessments, inspections, and accident investigations pertaining to the contracted work.
  • Ensure that employees receive safety training in accordance with legislated requirements including, but not limited to, first aid, WHMIS, job specific training, and the environment.


All visitors to any Murray Farms worksite must follow the established safety rules for the site and wear personal protective equipment appropriate to the hazards that may be encountered.

Visitors must be accompanied at all times by a representative of Murray Farms


Employees must be informed of their right and the fact that they are not to work in any manner or situation which may endanger themselves or others.  They must also be instructed on the proper procedure for refusing to do work which they deem to be unsafe.

Employees must have reasonable and probable grounds that an imminent danger to themselves or others exists.

Employees who refuse work, which they perceive to be unsafe, must immediately report the situation to their Supervisor.

The Supervisor will immediately investigate and document all notified situations and take action to eliminate/control the imminent danger, if possible.

  • If the Supervisor and the employee cannot reach an agreement on the issue, assistance may be received from Senior Management or another competent employee knowledgeable about the work or issue being discussed.
  • Senior Management /another competent employee to investigate the situation and decide whether a dangerous situation exists.

The Supervisor will ensure that no other worker will be assigned the work until investigation is complete.

Employees who refuse the work may be reassigned to other work until the investigation is complete.

Other employees may be assigned to the task if the original employee disagrees with the decision, but they must be informed of the original refusal and subsequent investigation and decision.

It is very important that the procedure be followed by both parties in this situation.  The employees must know that they are to report unsafe acts or conditions immediately to their Supervisor and that remedial action will be taken.

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