JF Murray

Incident Reporting Policy


Murray Feedlot requires all unplanned events that result in injury or property damage (over $1000) or incidents that have the potential for injury or property damage to be reported and investigated without delay. The purpose of the investigation is to determine the root causes of the incident and to implement necessary changes to prevent recurrence.

Employees must report all accidents, incidents, workplace illness, near misses and injuries to their Supervisors immediately. Supervisors/Safety Advisor(s) are responsible for reporting all accidents, incidents, near misses and injuries to Murray Feedlot management. The safety coach will conduct investigation in an expedient and professional manner.

Through effective investigation of  incidents of high risk and personal injury Murray Feedlot will be able to maintain its proactive approach to safety management.



The purpose of this procedure/guideline is to outline the requirements, methods and outcomes of reporting all occupational diseases, illnesses and incidents.

  1. SCOPE

The following types of event, injury and/or illnesses will be reported, regardless of the nature or severity of the event:

  • Unsafe condition or act
  • Near miss
  • Unplanned events (even if no damage happened)
  • All equipment damage, warning lights, Noticeable wear and tear on equipment
  • Fires
  • Electrical event
  • Fatality
  • Critical injury/illness
  • Lost-time injury/illness
  • Illness or injury for which an employee receives/seeks medical attention
  • First aid treatment
  • Occupational disease/workplace illness
  • Environmental release
  • Explosion
  • Exposures to biological, chemical or physical agents
  • Events must be communicated to employees direct supervisor in a reasonable time frame. (should not exceed 12 hours)
  • If employee goes to the hospital for a work related injury the employee must contact supervisor prior to hospital visit.
  • Failure to comply with this policy could lead to disciplinary action and/or termination of employment and also applies to supervision.
  • Your Company takes health and Safety of employees as a serious matter and can only help and prevent future occurrence if events are communicated.
  • There are also events that must be reported to Alberta OHS, events include:  

  • results in a death
  • results in a worker staying in hospital for more than 2 days
  • involves an unplanned or uncontrolled explosion, fire or flood that causes or may cause a serious injury
  • involves the collapse or upset of a crane or hoist
  • involves the collapse or failure of any component of a building or structure
  • OHS ACT -Section 18 Serious injuries and accidents

There are also events that must be reported to Alberta WCB, events include:

If A worker has been injured, Employer is required by law to submit the employer report of injury form within 72 hours after becoming aware of an injury or illness. The sooner WCB receives  information, the faster WCB can determine entitlement for  worker to benefits and services.

Employers need to submit a report to WCB if the accident results in, or is likely to result in:

  • lost time or the need to temporarily or permanently modify work beyond the date of accident,
  • death or permanent disability (amputation, hearing loss, etc.),
  • a disabling or potentially disabling condition caused by occupational exposure or activity (poisoning, infection, respiratory disease, dermatitis, etc.),
  • the need for medical treatment beyond first aid (assessment by physician, physiotherapy, chiropractic, etc.) or
  • incurring medical aid expenses (dental treatment, eyeglass repair or replacement, prescription medications, etc.).

WCB Reporting

Employers who fail to report an accident in accordance with s.33 of the WCA may be penalized in accordance with s.152.1 of the WCA. If WCB does not receive the required information from the employer, it may investigate the accident and charge the offending employer with the costs of the investigation.

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Document name: Incident Reporting Policy
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June 25, 2017 12:47 pm MDTIncident Reporting Policy Uploaded by Michelle Bryan - [email protected] IP