JF Murray

Hazard Identification Policy

It is the policy of Murray Farms, to implement a systematic process for the identification and control of hazards.  The process of identifying, assessing and controlling hazards will be done collectively with those on site. This includes Murray Farms’ employees, as well as sub-contractors. 

Murray Farms will:

  1. Perform a  hazard assessment for all activities, equipment, processes, and property under our control.
  2. Hazard Assessment will be completed  on each new worksite.
  3. Pre-Construction Hazard Assessments will be conducted on project worksites prior to work being started, and then again when site conditions or scope of work changes.
  4. Perform task assessments for all major job and worksites, or if activities, processes or hazards change, or are new and/or unusual.
  5. Hazard Assessment may include any affected worker, employee or sub-contractor.
  6. Supervisors will work collectively with ALL those on site to conduct the most effective assessments possible with the appropriate corrective measures.

 * The safety information in this policy does not take precedence over Occupational Health and Safety legislation.  All employees should be familiar with the Occupational Health and Safety Act.


Hazard Assessment means identifying and then eliminating or controlling the safety hazards of a process, procedure or a work site to protect the health and safety of the employees involved and to prevent other losses.

Hazard Assessments must be done for jobs or work processes that:

  • have the potential for serious health effects;
  • are new work sites;
  • are changed or which have never been previously assessed;
  • have had new equipment added or the existing equipment has been modified;
  • are done infrequently;
  • involve inexperienced employees;
  • are associated with frequent accidents;
  • are critical, with the potential for serious injury;
  • involve a change in an operating procedure;
  • have the potential for severe property damage or environmental impact;
  • have the potential for significant interruption to production.

Each job or work process must be considered to determine if inherent or introduced hazards exist or have the potential to develop, and the necessary control measures must be determined and applied.

1.1 Hazard Assessment Guidelines

Identify: Break down the job, procedure, or process into its tasks or components and identify all hazards associated with each task or component.

Eliminate: Plan to eliminate as many hazards as practicable. This is the best method of dealing with hazards, if it is possible to implement. If hazards are eliminated it is impossible for them to recur.

Control: Control the hazards that cannot be eliminated. If hazards are controlled instead of eliminated, they can recur. Control is the most common method of dealing with hazards or hazardous situations.


  • Protect the employees with personal protective equipment, signs, barriers or guardrails.
  • Ensure the work will be performed by competent employees or directly supervised by a competent employee.
  • Follow a code of practice or develop a safe work procedure or safe work plan. Then follow the procedure or plan.
  • Institute methods to warn employees and others approaching or entering the work site or place of business of the hazards.


  • Any Hazard Assessment that does not address emergency procedures and rescue is incomplete.
  • If an accident does occur, be prepared to reduce the effects by having trained first aid people with appropriate first aid equipment available. Ensure all employees and supervisors are aware of the emergency plan and their role in it.

1.2 Hierarchy of Hazard Elimination and Control

An actual or potential hazard that is revealed through the hazard assessment must be eliminated or controlled through: eliminate or reduce exposure.

  1. Engineering controls eliminate or reduce exposure by restricting access to hazards, such as:
  • Ventilation
  • Handrails and guard-rails
  • Start-up alarms
  • Emergency stop controls on machinery
  • Effective machinery guards
  • A Roll Over Protective Structure (ROPS), combined with an approved operator seat belt on mobile equipment
  1. Administrative Controls restrict the processes associated with hazards, such as:
  • Competent supervisors
  • Use of different, less hazardous product
  • Training of employees
  • Safe Work Permits
  • Competency testing of employees
  • Cautionary signs and labels
  1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
  • To be used if engineering or administrative controls do not adequately control the hazard.
  • Last resort for hazard control.
  • PPE must be adequate and appropriate for the hazard and users must be properly trained in the use, limitations and maintenance of the PPE.
  1. Any combination of engineering controls, administrative controls, or PPE that reduces the risk of the hazard to as low a level as reasonably practical.

After hazards are identified controls must be put into place to eliminate (best) or reduce (least) the chance of an accident occurring.  When controlling hazards follow the Hierarchy of Hazard Elimination and Control, start with the most effective controls then work down to the lowest form of control, personal protective equipment.

Hierarchy of Hazard Elimination and Control

Most Effective

1.     Eliminate Hazards through design

2.     Reduce hazards through substitution

 Least Effective

·       Incorporate engineering controls

·       Apply administrative controls

·       Provide Personal Protective Equipment

1.3 Safe Work Plans

A Safe Work Plan is a documented plan describing how to control hazards and manage risks for certain work. A Safe Work Plan is developed following a hazard assessment, and should ensure that hazards and risks are carefully evaluated, that the controls and contingencies are clearly identified, and that the necessary actions and implementation strategies have been outlined.

Development Criteria

A Safe Work Plan must be developed when:

  • Deviations are required from approved Murray Farms Codes of Practice.
  • The hazards and risks of the work to be performed cannot be adequately controlled.
  • The tasks to be performed are known as high risk operations. For example, work in Oil and Gas Drilling operations, work over water or other extra hazardous work.
  • In response to a compliance order.

Development Method

Safe Work Plans should be developed by the following method:

  • A Safe Work Plan Leader will be appointed who is responsible to ensure technical integrity and content of the plan.
  • The Safe Work Plan Leader will analyze the needs and select a team of knowledgeable individuals to assist in the development of the plan.
  • The Safe Work Plan Leader ensures the objectives are established and clearly understood by all members of the team.
  • The team must:
  1.  Conduct a Hazard Assessment of the work by preparing an Activity Plan, analyzing each activity, and identifying the relevant loss exposures and necessary controls.
  2. Refer to previously developed safe work plans as needed.
  3. Develop the action plan to control the loss exposure and minimize the risk.
  4. Perform an efficiency check of the action plan.

 Safe Work Plan Content

Each Safe Work Plan must include all pertinent details and documentation relative to the activity, personnel and equipment involved.  The following should be included and recorded:

  • Title of activity/job
  • Reason for the Safe Work Plan
  • Major risk(s)
  • Personnel involved in developing the plan
  • Execution organization complete with roles and responsibilities
  • Date of preparation
  • Anticipated start and finish dates
  • Communications (Who, When, How)
  • Work site (plan, equipment)
  • Work Scope –  preparation, equipment required, reference to hazard controls, codes of practice and legislation
  • Detailed sequential work execution plan and schedule
  • Contingency plans, including rescue
  • Copy of hazard assessment
  • Initial pre-job meeting and attendance
  • Approvals required
  • PPE requirements

Implementation of Safe Work Plans

Prior to the commencement of work, a Pre-Job Safety Instruction meeting must be conducted, chaired by the Safe Work Plan leader. Meeting attendees will include the work execution group and affected/affecting area personnel.

The Safe Work Plan Leader is responsible to give the authorization to proceed with the work once all requirements have been met.

Any need for deviation from the Safe Work Plan shall result in the activity being stopped and re-evaluation of the Safe Work Plan with re-approval and re-authorization required.


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August 30, 2017 11:26 pm MDTHazard Identification Policy Uploaded by Michelle Bryan - [email protected] IP