JF Murray

Emergency Response


JF Murray believes no matter how complete our Health & Safety Program is, or how careful we are, there is always a risk of an emergency. Emergency preparedness means having plans in place that we hope we will never have to use. Emergency preparedness makes sure JF Murray has the resources to deal with emergency situations at all workplaces.

It is the Site Supervisor’s/Safety Advisor’s responsibility to establish worksite emergency preparedness and to ensure that Emergency Response Plans are created, posted and oriented to every site worker prior to work commencing. The Supervisor’s/Safety Advisor’s further responsibilities include insuring that emergency personnel, adequate equipment, and communications are readily available to all workers if an emergency situation was to occur at the workplace.

The supervisor will obtain the areas emergency information for the nearest hospital, fire response, paramedics, and/or STARS, to ensure the quickest response for medical or catastrophe aid is available, and post this information at the workplace.

It is our policy that all workers are to be 100% familiar with the Emergency Response Plan prior to commencing work at a new jobsite. The Emergency Response Plan is to be tested periodically, both verbally and physically. Any deficiencies in the Emergency Response Plan are to be corrected immediately.

* The safety information in this policy does not take precedence over Occupational Health and Safety legislation. All employees should be familiar with the Occupational Health and Safety Act.


Each JF Murray facility must have specific emergency plans for the facility/worksite, and arrange training and practice sessions to ensure all workers and supervisors are totally familiar with the plans. A list of telephone numbers of agencies available to respond to a particular emergency will be prominently displayed. On some Customer properties these contacts may be radio channels rather than phone numbers.

For fixed building sites, a diagram showing the location of fire extinguishers, first aid kit, the emergency fire alarm pull stations and the escape routes is to be posted at the exit locations.

Employees are to be familiar with the location of the emergency equipment and the escape routes, and be trained appropriately.

The following guidelines are for general emergency situations only, and are suggestions to include in a specific emergency plan.


When an evacuation of a building is necessary, everyone must leave by the nearest exit or as advised.

* Close but do not lock doors behind you as you leave.

* Employees and visitors are to gather near the designated JF Murray parking spaces in a safe area that is upwind from smoke or toxic gases and in an area that will not hamper emergency vehicles or services when they arrive. A head count must be done to ensure that everyone is accounted for.

* Employees are not to re-enter the evacuated building until so advised by the Manager.

1.2 FIRE

* Call for in-house assistance immediately upon discovering the fire. Do not enter a burning room or building without another qualified person to assist.

* Alert other employees immediately

* Determine if the fire can be extinguished with the portable equipment in the building. If it can be used, do so. If not, call the Fire Department, activate an alarm and evacuate the building.



In the event of a gas leak, follow the evacuation procedure. Do not turn electrical power on or off, or activate any electrical equipment. Call the Utility Company from an adjacent building or a cellular phone when outside the building. Do not re-enter until the source of the leak has been located and controlled, and the building and rooms have been tested to verify that no explosive gases remain.

In the event of flooding due to a water main or pipe breaking or blockage of a sewer line, avoid all contact with the flood materials and do not go near electrical panels or switches in the flooded area. Good personal hygiene must be practiced as dirt and other flood residue carries the threat of diseases such as tetanus, typhoid and hepatitis.



Tornadoes are violent storms characterized by a twisting funnel shaped cloud that extends toward the ground. They occur in conjunction with severe thunderstorms and can be accompanied by lightning, heavy rain and/or hail. They are capable of winds in excess of 450 km/hr., strike suddenly and are usually preceded by a loud roaring noise.

If a tornado is sighted:

* Alert all other employees immediately via the telephone intercom.

* If the office building appears to be in a tornado’s path, seek shelter in the interior building stairwells. Protect your head.

* After a tornado has passed evacuate the building following the designated procedure if the building was in the path or has suffered any damage.

* Conduct a head count and provide any First Aid that is necessary. In most instances emergency services are severely overtaxed in the aftermath of a tornado or other natural disasters, so the employees may have to fend for themselves or wait extended periods for emergency services to arrive.

* If the building has been damaged, do not re-enter until professionals have certified the integrity of the structure and that it is safe to re-enter.


Lightning presents the greatest immediate danger during a thunderstorm.

* Stay away from water.

* Stay far away from the tallest object in the area.

* Get away from equipment.

* If you are in a vehicle, pull off to the side of the road and turn on your emergency flashers until the heavy rain subsides.


* Be aware of weather conditions in the area.

* Dress to fit the season, especially if you work outdoors.

* Avoid overexertion and exposure to the cold.

* If you must travel, select primary and secondary routes. Try not to travel alone. Carry a winter storm kit in your vehicle.

* If the storm exceeds, or even tests your limitation, seek available refuge immediately.


When a flash flood watch is issued:

* Be prepared to move out of danger at a moment’s notice.

* If possible, turn off power and close off any gas valves. Do not touch any electrical equipment unless it is in a dry area.

* Get out of areas subject to flooding.

* Avoid already flooded areas.

* Be especially cautious at night, when it is harder to recognize flood dangers.


* Secure the area and provide flag people to direct traffic.

* Extinguish any fire, if controllable.

* Provide First Aid treatment to the level of your training.

* Have someone report the accident to the local Police.


If you are injured on the job, report to your supervisor immediately, no matter how slight the injury. Occupational Health & Safety Regulations require that we keep accident records. Reports of accidents are made to assist in the prevention of future occurrences. The proper WCB report forms must be filled out and submitted to your supervisor within 24 hours.

If you feel ill to the extent that you cannot properly perform your work, report to your supervisor.

Get first aid treatment for all minor injuries; first aid is only temporary. First aid is the immediate treatment needed before you get a doctor to the victim or the victim to a doctor. What you do in the critical moments after an injury occurs could save a life. Call for emergency medical help immediately for all life threatening situations. Send people to guide the emergency team to the victim.

First Aid Procedures

Know these basic first aid procedures. Review them often so you will be prepared if you suddenly find yourself in an emergency situation.

The most important things you should do when someone is injured are:

1. Survey the Scene

Objective: Decide if situation is safe for you

a) You should not become another victim.

b) Do you need to move the victim to a safe area before doing first aid?

2. Rescue

Objective: To move the victim from a dangerous location to a place of safety.

Move the victim carefully, but only if there is life threatening danger. Take care of breathing, bleeding, splinting of broken bones first, if possible.

3. Breathing

Objective: To maintain an open airway and restore breathing by mouth-to mouth resuscitation.

a) Open the airway – head-tilt/chin-lift.

b) Look, listen, and feel for breathing.

c) If no breathing, send for medical help and begin rescue breathing.

ADULT: Pinch nostrils (while maintaining head-tilt); give two full, quick breaths. If air does not go in, re-tilt head and give two breaths again. If air still does not go in, clear the airway. If air goes in, begin rescue breathing – 1 breath every 5 seconds.

INFANT: Cover mouth and nose with your mouth; start with two quick, gentle breaths. If air does not go in, clear airway. If air goes in, then one gentle breath every 3 seconds.

Note: Use airway device if at all possible to prevent cross contamination with the victim.

4. Bleeding

Objective: To stop bleeding, prevent contamination, treat for shock, and seek medical attention.

Direct pressure – apply pressure directly over the wound with a clean cloth or your hand. Elevate – raise the injured part above head level, if possible and practical.

Infections from disease (i.e.: Hepatitis B, HIV) are transmitted through body fluids visibly contaminated with blood. They may enter the body and infect through open cuts,

abrasions, dermatitis and acne. They may also be transmitted by touching a contaminated object and transferring infectious materials to the eyes, mouth nose or any open areas on the face or body.

Since it is not possible to identify persons who may transmit infection, it is important to be protected from exposure by the use of personal protective equipment such as latex gloves, glasses and/or masks. Any time there is a risk of infection by contaminated fluids or blood, use Personal Protective Equipment, and always use gloves.

Note: Avoid direct skin contact with body fluids. Always wash your hands as soon as you can after giving first aid.

5. Shock

Objective: Treat for shock in all accident situations.

a) Keep the victim lying down.

b) Elevate feet if you do not suspect head or neck injury or leg fracture.

c) Get medical help.

d) Monitor vital signs.

e) Prevent loss of body temperature.

6. Heart Attack

Symptoms: Persistent chest pain, anxiety, difficult breathing, nausea, sweating

a) Place in comfortable position.

b) Get medical attention.

c) Monitor vital signs.

d) Perform CPR, if necessary (by qualified person).

7. Fractures

a) Do not move the victim.

b) Keep broken bone ends and adjacent joints quiet.

c) Splint if help is delayed.

8. Burns

a) Relieve pain and prevent contamination.

1) Small, minor burns, – cold water.

2) Large, extensive burns – dry, sterile dressing.

b) Treat for shock.

c) Get medical attention.

9. Chemical Burns

a) Flush the area with large quantities of water for at least 15 minutes.

b) Remove all affected clothing.

c) Get medical attention.

10. Electrical Shock

Act quickly, but keep yourself out of danger. Assume the electrical line is energized.

a) Open the circuit at the nearest source, if possible.

b) If the wire cannot be de-energized, use a non-conductor – dry board or wooden tool – to pull the wire from the victim or the victim from the wire. Do not touch any part of the victim or the wire with your bare hands. Or, use a dry manila rope to loop around the wire or victim to pull them apart to break the contact. (Wear high-voltage rubber gloves and stand on insulating material, if possible.)

c) Once the victim is clear, administer first aid.

d) Have the victim transported to medical aid.

11. Fainting

a) Leave the victim lying down.

b) Get medical attention.

c) Monitor vital signs.

12. Heat Exhaustion

Symptoms: Cool, moist skin, heavy sweating, dilated pupils, headache, and nausea

a) Move victim to cool place or cool with wet cloths.

b) Loosen clothing.

c) Treat for shock.

d) Give one-half glass of water to drink every 15 minutes if victim is fully conscious and can tolerate it.

13. Heat Stroke

Symptoms: Sweating has generally stopped; skin is red and hot, very small pupils, elevated body temperature

a) Get medical attention, this is a life threatening condition.

b) Move victim to cooler place.

c) Cool the victim fast.

d) Treat for shock.

e) Give nothing by mouth.

14. Frostbite

a) Move victim to a warm place.

b) Put frozen parts in warm 37.7 – 40.5°C (100 – 105°F), but not hot water.

c) Do not rub frozen parts.

d) Bandage with dry, loose, sterile gauze after warming.

15. Hypothermia

a) Get medical attention.

b) Get victim into warm, dry clothing.

c) Warm body slowly.

d) Monitor vital signs.

16. Poisoning

Swallowed poison:

a) Take any containers or MSDS to phone when calling emergency medical help or the Poison Control Center.

b) Follow instructions given by medical professionals.

c) Care for shock.

d) Do not give anything by mouth until medical professionals have advised you.

It is crucial that first aid begin quickly. Avoid panic. Send someone to get a doctor while administering first aid to the victim. Remember, you are not a physician! Do no more than necessary to treat the victim, until medical help is obtained.


Field Accident Response Team Process

The purpose of the Accident Response Team is to deal with catastrophic accidents within the Company. This personnel will consist of the Supervisors and Safety Advisor. The team’s responsibilities are to immediately meet when an accident is reported and to determine the course of action. The team will assign and dispatch a travel team when required.


Category I: Fatality or more than one person hospitalized.

Category II: One very seriously injured person (hospitalization will be required for more than 3 days) or possible permanent impairment is predicted.

Category III: One person injured seriously enough to be hospitalized, but no permanent impairment predicted or one person injured seriously enough to be “off work” but not hospitalized.


Category I

1. The field immediately notifies JF Murray Senior Management.

2. The Response Team members meet to determine a course of action.

3. Immediately see that appropriate family members of the injured are notified and their immediate needs taken care of.

4. Take action to assure that the accident scene is secured and not disturbed.

5. Determine if a Release Response Team is required.

6. Determine who is to notify the Occupational Health and Safety authorities and/or local police.

7. Determine if the customer has been notified and advised as to what actions we are taking.

8. Designate someone to deal with the media. Get an official “statement” as soon as possible (if requested).

9. Response team dispatched. Other persons assigned as required.

10. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (counseling) may be needed.

Category II

1. The field immediately notifies JF Murray Senior Management.

2. The Response Team members meet to determine a course of action.

3. Immediately see that appropriate family members of the injured are notified and their immediate needs taken care of.

4. Take action to assure that the accident scene is secured and not disturbed.

5. Determine if a Release Response Team is required.

6. Determine if the Occupational Health and Safety authorities need to be notified, and who is to make the call.

7. Determine if the customer has been notified and advised as to what actions we are taking.

8. Designate someone to deal with the media. Get an official “statement” as soon as possible (if requested).

9. Response team dispatched. Other persons assigned as required.

Category III

1. The field immediately notifies JF Murray Senior Management.

2. Immediately see that appropriate family members of the injured are notified and their immediate needs taken care of.

3. Take action to assure that the accident scene is secured and not disturbed.

4. Determine if a Release Response Team is required.

5. Determine if the Occupational Health and Safety authorities need to be notified, and who is to make the call.

6. Determine if the customer has been notified and advised as to what actions we are taking.

7. Response team dispatched. Other persons assigned as required.

Senior Management or Designate

Work with the injured, the injured person’s family, doctors and the hospital to see that the inured get the best medical attention possible. Work with the injured and their family to assure that they understand the Worker’s Compensation benefits, and to see that their needs for temporary housing, communications, etc. are met.


As soon as possible after the incident has been handled and reports have been completed, the entire response team will meet to debrief and review procedures and actions, so that improvements can be made to the process.

Senior Management

JF Murray Senior Management is responsible to be in charge of the Accident Investigation. There will be coordination with the Company field crew and the Customer representatives. Others may be involved in the accident investigation, such as the Occupational Health and Safety authority, local police or other official agencies. It is important that as soon as the injured person(s) are taken care of, that the accident scene be secured so that no evidence is disturbed.

Photographs and/or video (preferably both) are valuable when questions arise after the initial investigation. Permission from the Customer to take photographs may be required in some cases. Physical measurements and sketches are also needed. Broken parts must be protected, so the fractured edge is not damaged. A welding laboratory needs undisturbed samples in order to properly evaluate a failure of material. (Simply putting two pieces back together can destroy the surface(s) and make it impossible to make an accurate evaluation).

Interviewing witnesses, workers and supervisors is critical to the investigation. It is important that interviews be done as soon as possible. Interviews should be done individually, not as a group. Witnesses should be asked not to discuss their knowledge with other witnesses since what they say or hear may influence another person’s perception of what happened. Let the witnesses know that you may want to ask more questions later,

and for them to let you know if they think of anything else that may be important to the investigation.

The reports should be started as soon as possible. Be sure that all facts and information are complete before drawing conclusions and making recommendations.


JF Murray Senior Management or their designate are the only people authorized to speak or release information to the news media regarding an accident at any JF Murray operation(s).

Reporters are to be told to direct their questions to JF Murray Senior Management.

All other personnel at the operations or office are to respond to the reporter’s questions by referring them to JF Murray Senior Management.


Occupational Health and Safety Officers and other government officials may perform inspections of JF Murray work sites or investigations after an accident. They have the right to unimpeded access to the work areas.

All relationships with Government Inspectors must be on an honest

and cooperative basis

Prior to visiting the work area they must be informed what personal protective equipment is needed; special training, i.e. Orientation, H2S Alive, etc.; and any restricted areas due to work processes.

A JF Murray (Supervisor/Safety Advisor) employee must always accompany the officer.

Officers only have the right to ask for information or evidence relevant to the investigation or inspection and to the jurisdiction they represent. The documents requested by the officer are to be photocopied with one copy given to the officer and one put in a separate file established for the investigation or inspection. Original documents are not to be given to the officer. JF Murray has the right to request a receipt for anything given to the officer.

If the officer takes samples or photographs while on an inspection or investigation, the supervisor must take a sample or photograph of the same material at the same location as the officer. The time, date, location, and circumstance of each sample or photograph must be recorded.

As a result of the investigation or inspection the officer may write orders requiring the immediate correction of some potential hazard, or, if a condition of immediate danger threatens the health or safety of any worker, issue a stop work order

Reports and orders from the officers are to be posted in a prominent location for seven days. Items needing correction must be acted upon without delay and the officer must be notified in writing of the action taken.

Copies of all reports and orders issued by an officer must be delivered to Head Office as soon as possible after they are received.

I acknowledge that I have received and reviewed a copy of the general emergency response procedures and the sites specific emergency response procedure. I understand my role in the event of an emergency and agree to follow the procedure as outlined.

This Acknowledgment form has been explained to me in a language I understand. I have been invited to ask all questions I have prior to my signature here below.

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Document name: Emergency Response
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July 18, 2017 11:59 pm MDTEmergency Response Uploaded by Michelle Bryan - [email protected] IP